About a hairs breath!
What is the average width of a human hair?
go look in the dictionary
What is the average width of a human hair?
guess one nano metre
What is the average width of a human hair?
According to The Physics Factbook, the diameter of human hair ranges from 17 to 181 纰宮.[1] g hair]]
a 纰宮 is a millionth of a meter (1x10(閳?))
What is the average width of a human hair?
1-5 micro-meters, i know, i've measured
What is the average width of a human hair?
17 to 181 纰宮
What is the average width of a human hair? millimeters, very thin, yet strong. Also, was also the chances of the soldier to survive D-Day, not very good odd really, is it?
What is the average width of a human hair?
Having being an engineer for many years we used to measure each other's hair and the average width id .0004, which is in simple terms 4 1,000s of an inch or more commonly known as 4 thou (pronounced like cow without the c).
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