Friday, November 13, 2009

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

she's a very large persian cat with wonderful white long hair, and i couldn't resist coloring her hair red white and blue for july 4th's evening party with the friends.

shaving her is not an option!!

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

this is about the stupidest thing you could have done!! let her be colored for gods sake!! you could have killed her or ate her skin off with the 1st try do not by any means add more chemicals to remove it. it will take a while but she will shed it out. if you do anything else there a chance she will die, be bald or cost thousands in emergency vet care not to mention possible animal cruelty charges. keep her inside and leave her alone!! kitties dont have special hair dye because they arent suposed to and trust me american inventor wouldnt be thrilled with hthis either!!

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

if it's permanent die, good luck...but temporary wash her, and wait it out?

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

You should never do that again, chemicals used in human hair dye can be very harmful to animals. You may want to call your vet to see what you could possibly do? Is it permanent hair dye or just the spray?

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

well you are now the proud owner of a patriotic kitty. It will eventully come out on its own by her shedding, but it will take a while. I dyed my black and white kitty pink one time. I couldn't get the color off.

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

If you used actual hair dye... Think how long it comes out of your hair. Call a stylist and see if they know.

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

I suggest going to the cat groomer and/or ask them for advice.

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

She will shed it pretty quickly if it's permanent.

If it's temporary, give her a bath.

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

I had a friend who did this to her kitty one year too call your vet and they will give you a shampoo that will help to take the color out of your kittys coat . you will also need to wash her hair with a moisturizing shampoo after you use the vets shampoo . hope this helps some

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

That should not have been done to your cat.

Hello, How would one go about removing human hair dye from a cat?

omfg what the heck is wrong with you someone needs to slap you for doing that

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